31 years old David Overton, Popularly known as David Fury-Walsh, who pretended to be the cousin of Tyson Fury, a boxing champion,has been jailed for 27 years over rape.
According to a statement made available by the victims told Chester Crown Court, that, “Initially, David saw himself as a character inspired by the The Wolf of Wall Street but then he created this new Fury character.
“What this man put me through is by far the worst thing I have ever experienced. I was used for my money so he could carry out some sick, twisted fantasy.
“The bruises may fade but the psychological scars never will. Even when I sleep, he still towers over me.”
It was gathered that the culprit was convicted of 25 offences including 13 counts of rape, four counts of sexual assault, three counts of controlling and coercive behaviour, three counts of actual bodily harm, one count of sexual touching and possession of a knife.
However, following his release from jail, he will be on licence until the year, 2056.
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